Choose your difficult

Choose your difficult

That evening after he spoke at our church, everyone got together at the house he was staying, (Slavik’s and their love for fellowship lol). He came into the room and apologized that he wouldn’t be able to join everyone. He said he woke up at 4 or 5 in the morning to spend time with the Lord, so that meant he needed to get to bed early to make sure he got his rest. I watched how this man prioritized his time with the Lord above enjoying himself and pleasing others. Not compromising because he was out doing “ministry”. He mentioned

Clutter Free in 23 (with progress photos!)

Clutter Free in 23 (with progress photos!)

You may have read about the beginning of a more minimal, simple lifestyle here. I’ve been meaning to write a follow up but it’s still in the drafts. I hope to get to it soon. I wrote most of this entry in January but am ending up posting it in December. How does that happen!?

At the end of 2020 I came across “The Minimal Mom” YouTube channel and it literally changed my life!

From ugly to beautiful: what I learned from my child’s words.

From ugly to beautiful: what I learned from my child’s words.

When my kids were younger my mother always insisted that I correct their baby ish words and not copy “aka” encourager them to talk like that but I love toddler talk, it’s one of my favorite stages! It took a while for one of my twins to properly learn to say “Chick-Fill-A” instead of correcting them constantly we just all called it “Chif-Kill-A” with them. I loved it, there were many other words like that but now at nine they are all grown up and say most things “properly”, so who cares now that I enjoyed those years a little extra, right?? Just today I was at the store with my youngest, as I was putting the box of spaghetti into the cart he goes “yay pasghetti” it made me smile. We get less and less of those words around here

Vacation, teenagers, FIFTEEN years and more!

Vacation, teenagers, FIFTEEN years and more!

*Tip on how to hear the Lord, he usually speaks through his word and leads with his peace. Example from this situation, my role as a wife is to submit to my husband correct? I wanted to go really really really bad but my husband didn’t like the idea of it being so rushed and done without his bosses approval (since the trip was work related) etc. If I pushed it hard enough, I’m sure he would have let me have my way but we’ve been married long enough for me to know that getting my way doesn’t always end up being the best decision. Thankfully I caught myself,

The Power of Silence: What I have learned from a few weeks of not speaking

The Power of Silence: What I have learned from a few weeks of not speaking

Spring is BEAUTIFUL in South Caroline! My three year old gave it a new perspective for us this year. We were driving down the road one day, the trees had just begun flowering so he was seeing them for the first time ever. He was so fascinated and delighted at the beauty he couldn’t stop saying “Look! Mama did you see that? It is so beautiful! Wow guys, did you see that?” It brought tears to my eyes to see the beauty around us through his eyes. He noticed every tree and all the different colors, asked about how the flowers came to be and so on. God really did create a magical world for us to live in!

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

It’s has been fifteen plus years since I have watched the Anne of Green Gables movie series. It has always been my favorite as a little girl. I have been wanting to watch it with my kids for a while now. I had just talked to my husband about wanting to watch them and shortly after, while exploring a quaint little town up north of us, we stopped by a thrift shop and what do you know they had the movies there in VHS!

When life feels like it's happening too quickly

When life feels like it's happening too quickly

Busy! I used to despise that word. If it’s “popular” and everyone seems to be into it, I always question it. So when being busy became a “trend”, I didn’t fall for it. Yes things got that way when life went from a family of four to six. As well as all the moving seasons we’ve had in the last ten years. But in general we really never had to miss family dinners or quiet weekends at home, because of too many things that were going on. I am so so thankful for that!  

Now that I’m living in the south, I finally understand what a backroad is. You know from the country songs?? LOL

Live for something bigger than yourself

Live for something bigger than yourself

Live for something bigger then you, when I heard this, it’s like a light bulb went on. There was a point in time when I wanted to know if there might be something else to life, marriage, kids, and the same routines every day. I was listening to Focus on The Family broadcast and someone mentioned that when we begin to live for something outside of ourselves, that is when we really begin to live. I believe that to be so true.  

Mid parenting crisis (oxytocin, nursing and more…)

Mid parenting crisis (oxytocin, nursing and more…)

Shortly after I weaned my youngest, my oldest became a teenager. WOW, was I not prepared for it. You hear about it a lot and think you know what it will be like but I still feel like I should have been warned lol. I wish someone would have told me that you have stages in parenting. (Kind of like trimesters in pregnancy.) Infancy, toddlerhood and then the “bliss years” (no clue if that’s a term but that’s what I will call them) the years of full on childhood, ages 5-10. At around age ten your precious, innocent child begins to change…

Welcome New Year! (2023)

Welcome New Year! (2023)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE a fresh start! My kids all know how much I love Mondays but a new year is a whole new level! Some where along the years I have stopped writing down my goals or resolutions as one may call them but I can’t help myself and still have so many in my mind at all times.

Even as I’m editing this so much already has happened in the few short weeks of January. The Lord has been showing me so many things. I love how he just shows up and leads me, he is so so good. Another big reason I don't have specific goals is because he always surprises me with crazier things that I can ever plan for! He is AWESOME!

I’m starting to focus more on “strategies” in my daily habits versus

It’s all about perspective

It’s all about perspective

Life is so interesting. A wild ride for sure! With all its ups and downs. Struggles and also moments of pure joy that you want to freeze time in and enjoy, forever.

Yesterday the kids and I had a really rough day. I couldn’t figure out why but all day I was super irritated and annoyed. I kept asking the kids to clean up and go somewhere to be quiet. Inside myself I was striving, wanting to make the most of our day, cram in as much as we could get done, all just to achieve a feeling.

How to keep trusting when it feels so un fair

How to keep trusting when it feels so un fair

I wanted to take a minute today and just be real with you all. I usually prefer to be well over what I’m going through to share about things… cause I have this super power like in this example.

“A man goes to join the newest superhero group.
Interviewer: “ So, what’s your superpower?”
Man goes: “Hindsight”
The Interviewer says, “We don’t have any use for that here”
Man goes, “Ah yes, I see it now”

Anyway all jokes aside. I want to be real with you and share some things I’m going through on top of the weight I’ve been feeling for Russia and Ukraine.

14 years of being married to my BESTEST friend!

14 years of being married to my BESTEST friend!

I know, I know, bestest is not a word, or is it?? I say it to my husband so often that my phone has it as auto correct and fill in now lol. I can’t help but use that word because he is truly the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Fourteen years ago we were two teenagers in love with each other, saying I do, without having any idea what that even entailed. I want to say that I was marrying the man of my dreams but to be honest he was slightly different then my “unrealistic” dream man.

YouVersion Bible app- how it transformed my Bible reading time.

YouVersion Bible app- how it transformed my Bible reading time.

I've been using the Bible app for a few years now. When my husband first told me about it and downloaded it on my phone, I didn't think much of it and hardly ever used it. (Typical of me for all new things) I'm more of a "traditional" kinda girl, I had a paper Bible that I've used since I was a child and I felt like if I start using the app I'd be betraying my paper Bible haha. Anyone else feel like that?? But the day came when my paper bible fell apart, my dear husband bought me a new Bible but it just wasn't the same. All of a sudden I had a hard time reading, being consistent and felt like I didn't get much out of my reading time. That lasted for some time.

After I had my twins (in Hawaii 2013) I all of a sudden had such a strong desire to read the Bible. I read and read and read and couldn't get enough of it. I usually read when I was nursing and having to hold two babies and a bible wasn't easy, as well as trying to read in the evenings or while nursing at night and not having the light on. So I started using the Bible app and haven't stopped since!

God is not shaken by our current events (Russia and Ukraine)

God is not shaken by our current events (Russia and Ukraine)

My heart is breaking for the people in Ukraine. I wasn’t planning to address this topic, I’m not one for politics or the latest news but this is big. It’s unjust and I am having a hard time believing that this is even happening.

Today the kids and I started off our morning reading and quoting our “power verses”. (I hope to share about those with you someday) we then went into a time of worship and while I was praying for Ukraine, I realized how heavy my heart felt for all the people who are “trapped” in the middle of this political power struggle. It’s not their fault all this is happening to them, it’s definitely not fair and worst of all they can’t do anything about it. People in Russia are protesting against war (Russia is not a free country. You do not have the same rights there as we do here in the US. You’re literally putting yourself in danger going against the government by protesting). It all just shows that the citizens of these countries do not want violence and war.

End of the year wrap up for 2021

End of the year wrap up for 2021

Can you believe it?? 2021 is already over! Happy happy new year everyone!!! I hope you’re doing well and looking forward to the year ahead with excitement.

I am still in shock at how fast time has been flying! I guess that’s what happens when you’re having fun! 2021 has been a year to remember.

The kids and I have been so busy with our lifestyle changes that I’ve just about put everything else on hold. But like Dave Ramsey says “live like no one else, so that later you can then live like no one else” in this case it’s not exactly pertaining to money but to STUFF. So let me share with you about our past year.

The year started off as usual for me, full of goals, dreams and things to accomplish but little did I know that God had other things in mind for us. I should know that by now right??

The goodness of the Lord

The goodness of the Lord

I journaled this entry a little while ago and didn’t get around to sharing it. I have a few things to add to it and hope I finally publish it. Because the Lord is SO good and I’m in awe of his provision and protection. I hope you’re encouraged.

Today at church pastor preached on writing down all the things the Lord does or speaks to us. The reason for writing them down is to not forget his goodness or promises when times get tough because they do get tough. From my own personal experience I know how powerful that is.

While we were in Bible school as newly weds, my husband and I took a journaling coarse together, Kyle had been journaling prior to the class and before we even got together but he couldn’t get me to do. I refused because I just didn’t know how, I never knew what to write. I had started journaling many times in the past but ended up quitting after a few pages. Just assumed it wasn’t for me.

Miracle worker

Miracle worker

It’s interesting to me what it took for Peter to agree to follow Jesus, Jesus first performed a miracle for him. Peter caught soo much fish, he needed help from some side fishermen. In other words a “side business”. I never really understood the significance of it until now. Fishing was Peters career, his form of income. His job, profession, whatever you want to call it. No fish, no money. The more fish, the more money.